Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Abandoned Stables Session

Last week part of my photography group got together to put some of what we have been learning this month into practice. We ended up shooting at some abandoned stables/house near Casa Grande. The setting made for some nice photos. Leah (one of the models) had some nice props (i.e. hats).....that was a plus! :) I still have so much to improve on, but I am working on it.
                                                                                                   ENJOY ~


  1. Wonderful job, Anna!!! This is one of your strongest sessions thus far! Keep up the great job.

    I will provide some CC in our photo group forum instead. Overall, you did really, really great! And you got some creative shots - ie: the sunflare and the framing with the leaves. I just have a few things to CC on, and it's mainly on the post processing. :)

    Mrs. K
