Friday, April 8, 2011

Tumble Weed Park

A few weeks ago or so I did a 'mock' shoot with my photography group. Once a month we try to get together as a group and put our skills to practice. This particular week we had children as models to practice on. We went to a park where they had some neat backgrounds/props for photo shoots. Here is just a sample of our time........

Thursday, April 7, 2011

My 1st wedding

This was my first wedding ,period, and also my first wedding as a back up photographer. I had the privilege of being asked to be Jocelyn Klotz's (of Jocelyn Klotz Photography back up photographer. The day definitely could have gone better than it did, but then it was only my first wedding. It was actually a vow renewal, that is why you will see that the couple has 2 children and one on the way. :) Even though it was a vow renewal it was pretty much the same as a wedding except for a few 'minor' details...i.e. no bridesmaids, groomsmen, etc. The day ended with such a nice reception that was held outdoors....
By the way, if you click on the image it will give you the original size of the photo.